
How are your donations used?

First, be assured that we consider every contribution received to be the Lord’s money. It is carefully recorded and tracked and is only spent after prayerful consideration of the need. There are no unnecessary “overhead” expenses.

General expenses of the congregation – include meeting place, equipment and materials necessary for the meetings and classes, pastor’s salary, transportation to and from services (most people don’t have their own vehicles and public transportation doesn’t run on Shabbat), outreach – literature, special events. In Israel there aren’t many Messianic groups and there is very limited opportunity for Israelis to hear about their Messiah, at least in a way they can understand.

Youth and children – congregational children’s and youth groups; helping our children and youth to attend camps and conferences – essential in Israel because of great opposition to our faith.

Care for the poor and needy, especially believers. The poverty rate is high in Israel and there is ample opportunity to be a blessing to our community, but Scripture commands us to make the “household of faith” our priority.

Gal. 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.